Sharkbuoy PPK & PPP GNSS Tide Buoy

The Sharkbuoy is a state-of-the-art buoy designed for measuring GNSS tide in Australia's tough conditions. It is built by surveyors and metocean specialists who understand the importance of reliable and accurate data collection. With the Sharkbuoy, you can log raw GNSS data for post-processing, or receive Marinestar G4+ for real-time PPP tides.

We've designed the Sharkbuoy with a focus on reliability, toughness, and ease of use. Its solar power with battery backup ensures endless logging, and its durable construction can withstand even the harshest of weather conditions.

Freooceans sharkobuoy hipp tide GPS buoy
Freooceans sharkobuoy hipp tide GPS buoy
a yellow buoy on a boat
a yellow buoy on a boat

Features Include:

  • AsteRx-m3 Fg Sepentrio Multi-frequency dual-antenna

  • Raw data logging on 32 GB flash memory

  • Real-time 10 minute mean sea level with Marinestar G4+

  • Wi-Fi buoy access to raw and processed data

  • Perpetual power on batteries and solar

  • IALA-compliant Sealite SL15 Lantern

  • Pitch and roll sensor for antenna correction

  • Submergible

  • Iridium Modem with GNSS tracker

  • Waterproof on/off switch and replaceable batteries

  • 85 kg buoy with 10kg counter weight

  • Built like a tank in Fremantle, Western Australia

The newly developed Sharkbuoy MkIV

Sharkbuoy tough...

Developed based on years of experience

The buoy can be attached directly to a mooring or, in high-current scenarios, a Norwegian buoy can be rigged to take any load off the Sharkbuoy's GNSS sensor (as shown). Every buoy comes with a 12kg counterweight chain that should always be used to maintain a constant buoy draft.

To ensure easy recovery via a grapple or hook, we recommend rigging the twin small floats at least 20m from the Sharkbuoy. For optimal performance, we suggest using a 15-25 kg anchor or 100kg clump weight (depending on currents and seabed type).

The Sharkbuoy can be ordered as a standalone unit or with a mooring system customized to the required water depth. Our buoy and mooring system are designed for easy recovery using a capstan or drum winch, with quick-release floats that enable the entire mainline and chain to pass through a wide block or onto a winch drum.

Metocean data Tide Gauge Barometric Buoy Tide measurements Tide Buoy GPS Buoy GNSS Buoy hydroid Wave
Metocean data Tide Gauge Barometric Buoy Tide measurements Tide Buoy GPS Buoy GNSS Buoy hydroid Wave

The Sharkbuoy is equipped with the AsteRx-m3 Fg, a cutting-edge receiver designed specifically for marine applications, ensuring accurate and reliable tide measurements.

  • Flexibility of use and easy-to-integrate: The AsteRx-m3 Fg offers flexibility of use and easy integration, allowing for seamless integration with the Sharkbuoy and other equipment.

  • Best SWaP on the market (Size, Weight and Power): The AsteRx-m3 Fg offers the best SWaP on the market, making it an ideal choice for the Sharkbuoy and other applications that require high-performance GNSS.

  • AIM+ anti-jamming, anti-spoofing monitoring system as part of the GNSS+ Technology Suite: The AIM+ anti-jamming and anti-spoofing monitoring system is part of the AsteRx-m3 Fg's GNSS+ Technology Suite, providing enhanced security and protection against interference.

  • Full-constellation, triple-frequency satellite tracking: The AsteRx-m3 Fg offers full-constellation, triple-frequency satellite tracking, providing the highest level of accuracy and reliability.

  • High update rate with low latency: The AsteRx-m3 Fg offers a high update rate with low latency, allowing for real-time monitoring and analysis of tide measurements.

  • The AsteRx-m3 Fg provides high-accuracy positioning at sea with Fugro Marinestar PPP corrections, ensuring the most accurate and reliable tide measurement data possible.

GNSS Positioning you can count on...

The GNSS web GUI on the Sharkbuoy can be accessed from a laptop via wifi. The overview page on the web GUI is shown below:

Finally, an antenna tough enough for extreme conditions...

We have been through a few antennas in our time, that couldn't stand up to the conditions...the Tallysman Verostar 6037L exceptional build is the perfect match for Sharkbuoy

  • Rubber Bumper built for a tough life

  • Plastic coated base the only exposed metal is the connector

  • Stainless steel connector no corrosion issues here

For pricing contact our sales department at

or call on +61 422 063 459